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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Review of Alone with a Jihadist by Mark Drake

Aaron Taylor has tackled a very important, and difficult, issue in his deeply moving and thought-provoking book, Alone with a Jihadist. Though his book is well researched and contains a wealth of biblical foundation, he writes, not as an observer, but as one who has lived in the midst of the conflict. Don't be misled by the title. This book truly addresses the very struggles we American Christians face in the current political environment. I see myself as a well informed church leader but Aaron's book forced me to re-examine several biblical principals. I am indebted to him for making me think about some important issues I would rather avoid. You may not immediately agree with every conclusion, but anyone seeking a biblical world view needs to read what he has to say.

Mark Drake
pastor, missionary and author of God's Brilliant Plan

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